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Achieve Weight Loss Without Major Surgery.

Experience the transformative power of the Orbera® gastric balloon in Marina Del Ray, CA. This non-surgical, FDA-approved device is now available at Athēnix. This compact balloon is gently inserted into your stomach, creating a sense of fullness and promoting better portion control. Orbera® is your non-invasive partner for jumpstarting your weight loss journey and maintaining a healthier lifestyle.

Visit Athēnix in Marina Del Rey

4560 Admiralty Way, Suite 256
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

Phone: 310-846-8457


Monday: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Tuesday: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Wednesday: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Thursday: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED

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What is the Gastric Balloon?

The gastric balloon at Athēnix offers a surgery-free approach to weight loss. With no stomach cutting, stapling, or banding involved, it can help you shed three times more weight when combined with our 12-month medically managed support program, ensuring long-term results. Orbera® is your ideal choice for initiating a new, healthier lifestyle.

How it Works

Pre-Procedure Consultation

Start your journey by scheduling an appointment with us to discuss your weight loss goals and create a personalized program. We'll assist you in designing a post-procedure diet plan that suits your needs and guide you in developing healthier habits for the future.

During the Procedure

Our Athēnix surgeon reprograms your stomach by inserting the Orbera® balloon and inflating it with a saline solution. This triggers a more frequent sensation of fullness, helping you control your portion sizes and prevent overeating, making weight loss more manageable.

The First Three Months

Your body adapts to the new addition during the initial period following balloon insertion. While you may experience some discomfort at first, our Athēnix surgeon can provide medication to alleviate any symptoms. Please contact us immediately if you encounter severe pain, nausea, or vomiting. The first three months will see rapid weight loss, which can be further enhanced by adopting healthy eating habits and increasing physical activity.

Months Four Through Six

The gastric balloon helps your body adjust to consuming smaller food portions, making this period critical for developing healthy habits. Establishing these habits will play a key role in maintaining weight loss after removing the balloon. Our team will work closely with you to optimize your daily nutrition, diet, and exercise regimen for the best results.

After Removal

At the six-month mark, the balloon is removed, marking the culmination of your efforts. Your body is now effectively reprogrammed to recognize the feeling of fullness, and you have incorporated more nutrient-dense meals into your diet. These positive changes are instrumental in sustaining a healthy weight and pursuing further fitness goals.

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We're Your Weight Loss Partner.

To achieve the best results, it's essential to maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise alongside the Orbera® gastric balloon. Our dedicated support team is always available to provide guidance, motivation, and nutritional advice, ensuring you stay on track to become a healthier, more energetic, and slimmer version of yourself.

Is the Gastric Balloon for You?

The gastric balloon may be the perfect solution if:

  • You desire a significant lifestyle change to address excess weight without undergoing bariatric surgery.
  • Your BMI falls within the range of 30-40, and you aim to lose between 20-40 pounds.
  • You are committed to participating in a 12-month follow-up support program.
  • Excess weight affects your energy levels or causes health concerns such as diabetes.
  • You believe that excess weight impacts your self-confidence or negatively affects your social life.
  • You wish to avoid major surgical procedures like gastric sleeve surgery, which involves permanent stomach cutting and stapling.

    Learn more about the Gastric Balloon at your local office: Gastric Balloon Center Fresno, Gastric Balloon Center Los Angeles, Gastric Balloon Center Orange County.

    Why Choose Athēnix?

    Selecting Athēnix for Orbera® means choosing a team of experts committed to helping you achieve your weight loss goals. Our personalized approach includes a comprehensive program tailored to your individual needs, including nutritional counseling, exercise guidance, and ongoing support. With our presence in Marina Del Rey and various locations in California, Arizona, Oregon, and Washington, blending cutting-edge technology with compassionate care, Athēnix provides a safe, accessible, and long-lasting solution for weight loss.

    Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals with Athēnix.

    Take a significant step towards your weight loss goals by contacting Athēnix today. For more information on our Orbera® gastric balloon procedure in Marina Del Rey, CA or our other state-of-the-art aesthetic treatments, please call us at 888-276-1535.

    Our Marina Del Rey Expert

    • Dr. Amir Partovi | Board-Certified Cosmetic Surgeon
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    Unlock your inner beauty and confidence today. Schedule your consultation with our team of surgical experts and experience our AAAHC Certified Surgical Centers and real patient transformations for yourself.

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    Accessibility: If you are vision-impaired or have some other impairment covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act or a similar law, and you wish to discuss potential accommodations related to using this website, please contact our Accessibility Manager at (888) 276-1535. ©2024 Athēnix | A Northwest Surgical Development Company, Inc. The content/images on this website are not a guarantee of individual results. Individual results may vary. The information provided on this site is for general informational purposes only, and does not replace the need for a formal consultation.

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