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Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure used to eliminate specific regions of fat and improve body shape. In addition to liposuction of the abdomen and hip areas, arm liposuction and thigh liposuction are procedures many patients choose. While liposuction is not a procedure used for overall weight loss, it can be a highly effective and minimally invasive way to tone certain areas of the body.

Not only have new medical innovations made liposuction more safe and comfortable, but they have also allowed the cost of liposuction to be lower than with more invasive methods.

Many patients choose to have liposuction with Athēnix for the improved body shape, and also for the increased confidence that comes with being happy with their liposuction results.

Am I a candidate for liposuction?

If you are looking to remove excess fat from one or more areas of your body, you may be a good candidate for liposuction. It is important to remember that liposuction is not a treatment that provides overall weight loss. If you are more than 20 pounds overweight, you'll have better results losing weight first, and then having liposuction to target a few specific problem areas.

Liposuction is also not used for tightening skin. If loose skin is an issue for you, you'll want to talk to us about other options, for example a tummy tuck. We can help you decide if liposuction or a tightening procedure is a better fit. Additionally, while there is no age cut-off for liposuction, you will get the best results when your skin has enough elasticity. As we age, we naturally lose some of the elasticity in our skin. If you come in for a consultation, we can look at your skin's elasticity, and help you understand if liposuction is a good treatment option for you.

Other than my abdomen, where can I have liposuction?

The midsection is a very popular area for liposuction. While many patients come to us looking to have their love handles removed, a flatter tummy, or leaner hips, there are several other popular parts of the body to target with liposuction.

  • Arm liposuction: Sometimes people have extra fat in their upper arms. This can be a good area to improve with liposuction. A primary consideration when considering arm liposuction is whether your upper arms have excess fat or excess skin. If you are concerned with sagging skin on your arms, arm liposuction is likely not the best choice. However, if your arms have fat you want removed, this can be a good fit. We can explain your best treatment options when you come in for a consultation.
  • Thigh liposuction: Another primary area for liposuction is the thighs. Even when people lose weight, many don't necessarily see their thighs slim down as much as they'd like. At Athēnix we offer thigh liposuction for both the inner and outer thighs, including an option that uses ultrasound for truly minimally invasive thigh fat reduction.
  • Other areas: Patients often find they want to reduce excess fat in their back, neck, or chin. These are all areas we are able to treat with our innovative liposuction technology. Our procedures use more gentle techniques, which allow for the treatment of even delicate, smaller areas like the neck and chin.

Do you offer fat transfer with your liposuction procedures?

Yes, at Athēnix we do have the option of doing fat transfer. Fat transfer means we use some of the fat removed during your liposuction procedure, and put it in another part of your body. We use an innovative procedure that allows for your own stem cells to enhance the results. Common areas for fat transfer include face, buttocks, or breasts.

What factors affect liposuction cost?

The cost of liposuction varies, and can depend on several factors. First, it depends on what area or areas of the body you're choosing to target. We are able to treat more than one area in a single appointment, in many cases. Another consideration is whether you'll be having general anesthesia – where you're asleep through the procedure – or local anesthesia – where the area being treated is numb, but you remain awake.

Procedures done with local anesthesia cost less in general. At Athēnix, we use the most innovative liposuction technology, which allows our patients to remain awake through their procedure, and also allows us to offer a lower cost than for more invasive liposuction treatments.

Another reason we're able to keep costs lower is that the technology we use lets many patients achieve the results they want in just one treatment session. Other forms of liposuction can take several sessions, which cost more.

At Athēnix, we offer financing options. These plans can include payments as low as $73/month. These payment plans allow many patients to benefit from our liposuction treatments, even if paying in full at the time of the procedure is not an option.

Liposuction safety

Even though liposuction is generally a safe and minimally invasive procedure, there is always some level of risk that comes with any medical treatment. The risks of liposuction include bruising, lumpy skin, infection, swelling, and reaction to anesthesia. Serious risks are rare, and we will discuss the benefits and risks with you in detail when you come in for a consultation.

What is liposuction recovery like?

If you know someone who had liposuction with older medical technology, you may remember them having general anesthesia, one to several weeks off work, and a long recovery time.

Fortunately, modern technology allows us to now perform liposuction in a more minimally invasive manner. This means your recovery time will generally be shorter and less painful. Many of our patients are able to return to work a few days after liposuction. Some find they can even schedule a Friday or Saturday procedure, and return to work on Monday. This will depend on the type of job you have, since physically demanding work will require longer recovery than deskwork.

You will have some soreness after liposuction, but your discomfort can be managed with pain medication. We'll ask you to refrain from too much activity while you heal (no running or heavy lifting), and may ask you to wear compression garments. The liposuction procedures we offer at Athēnix allow for superior results with minimal downtime.

The doctors at Athēnix specialize in body contouring, which means we have the training and experience to deliver natural, safe, superior patient results. Our procedures are performed in beautiful, state-of-the-art facilities which allow you to benefit from the utmost level of safety, innovation, and comfort.

If you’re interested in liposuction, get in touch with us to find out more. The best way to get educated on your liposuction options is to come in and meet with a member of our expert surgical team. Our doctors are committed to you being well educated, feeling confident, and having realistic expectations about the procedures you choose.

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